
Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Lawless Review (2012)

Shia LaBeouf (Transformers), Tom Hardy (The Dark Knight Rises), Jason Clarke (Death Race), are all Bondurant brothers in the film, Lawless.

This story takes place in 1931 in Franklyn County, Virginia. Forrest (Hardy) is the oldest of the three brothers and is considered immortal because he survived the war. For Jack (LaBeouf) and Howard (Clarke), they have no clue on what is about to go down in their town. A guy named, Charlie Rakes (Guy Pearce), is coming and the brothers and the town soon find themselves up against a ruthless man.

For the corrupt District Attorney, Mason Wardell, he brings Rakes to Franklyn for the money because the three brothers have their own company of selling alcohol.

This movie is alright. It has action and it is intense when it happens. Jessica Chastain (The Help), and Mia Wasikowska (Alice in Wonderland) also star in this film I give it 3 out of 5 stars.

John Carter Review (2012)

John Carter is a wild ride into an epic sci-fi adventure. Talyor Kitsch (Friday Night Lights) plays John Carter, a Civil War vet who gets transplanted to Mars and finds himself up against large barbarians who are weird looking creatures standing 12 feet tall. What he doesn't know is that the creatures are holding a princess hostage. Carter (Kitsch) must escape his cell, or whatever he is in, in order to save the princess. Willem Dafoe (Spider-man), Thomas Hayden Church (Spider-man 3), Mark Strong (Sherlock Holmes), and Bryan Cranston (Breaking Bad) also star in this film. I give it 2 out of 5 stars.

21 Jump Street Review (2012)

Channing Tatum (The Vow) and Jonah Hill (Moneyball) are hilarious as partners in 21 Jump Street.

Jenko (Tatum) was popular in high school and cool, where as Schmidt (Hill) was geeky and uncool. After some years, they both find themselves trying out to be a police officer. They graduate from the police academy and find themselves at 21 Jump Street which is a church. Captain Dickson, played by Ice Cube (Friday), wants Jenko and Schmidt to go back to high school and be undercover to find a drug that has been selling at the school. Eric, played by Dave Franco, is the head honcho of selling the drug at the school. Jenko and Schmdit find that out and say they want the drug.

Jenko and Schmidt get into a lot of trouble as the take the drug and do thing's they would have never done. This film is hilarious and has some action. I give it 3 out of 5 stars.

This Means War Review (2012)

Chris Pine (Star Trek) and Tom Hardy (Warrior) are both CIA operatives who have yet to realize they are dating the same girl, Lauren, played by Reese Witherspoon (Walk The Line).

FDR (Pine) is very good at what he does in the CIA and so is Tuck (Hardy). When they both have news that they have found a girl online, they go to show each other a picture of her. When they both turn their screens, they see that it is the same girl, Lauren Scott.

Now, it is a game because they both like her and when one of them is on a date, the other has to mess it up. This is a very funny movie and has action. It's enjoyable for action fans and comedy fans. I give it 3 out of 5 stars.

The Bourne Legacy Review (2012)

Jeremy Renner (The Avengers) plays Aaron Cross, a newer version of Jason Bourne who was played by Matt Damon. While Jason Bourne is still nowhere to be found, Aaron Cross has his own problems as he is on the run this time because the events of the past three films have led to this.

Rachel Weisz plays Dr. Marta Shearing who later on becomes involved with Cross.

The Bourne Legacy is a good action-packed thriller. It is based off one of the books by author Robert Ludlum who created Bourne. Edward Norton also stars in this film. I give this film 3 out of 5 stars.

Red Dawn Review (2012)

In this remake of the Red Dawn film from 1984, it is a different attack on our soil. This time, it is North Korea who is attacking us. For Jed and Matt Eckert (Chris Hemsworth and Josh Peck) they don't know what is about to happen. Their dad, Tom (Brett Cullen) is a police officer and is soon killed by the captain of the invasion. Jed and Matt form a team of survivors, their friends, to try and stop the Koreans from doing any more damage and killing in their city.

When Jed and Matt's team of survivors do whatever is necessary, they call themselves, The Wolverines because that's the name of the their football team in which Matt plays for. The word is spread across the city and 3 American Military personnel make their way to them to help them.

I give this film 3 out of 5 stars. Very action-packed.

R.I.P.D. Review (2013)

Jeff Bridges and Ryan Reynolds star in this epic comedy adventure about being dead and recruited to the R.I.P.D. (Rest In Peace Department). For Nick Walker (Reynolds) he was a police officer who was on a mission, but was shot and fell to his death during the process.

When Nick woke up, being dead, he was in an office and sitting in front of the proctor played by Mary Louise-Parker (RED). She wants him to work for the R.I.P.D. because the world is in danger from undead creatures. Roy (Bridges) gets a new partner, Nick, and they have to stop the creatures before they destroy our world. They have disguises so no one recognizes them because they are dead.

Kevin Bacon also stars in this film as Hayes, who also worked in the same police department as Nick. I give this film 2 out of 5 stars. It is funny.

42 Review (2013)

He is a hero for the city of Brooklyn. Jackie Robinson, number 42 played for the Brooklyn Dodgers back in 1946.

This is the story of Robinson as he makes his professional career in baseball. Chadwick Boseman who brings Jackie Robinson to life, is a really good actor. He really played Robinson well. Jackie Robinson never took any racism from nobody. Branch Rickey played by Harrison Ford (Indiana Jones) is a major league team executive with great ideas to make money not only for him, but for his team. He notices Robinson and sees that he can play so he gives him a shot. When he first starts playing with the white guys, no one likes him and gives him attitude. Robinson soon makes his way up and gets signed by the Brooklyn Dodgers who are now the Los Angeles Dodgers.

He was a negro baseball player, the first negro baseball player to make it to the MLB. When people made fun of him, Robinson didn't get frustrated at them, he just ignored them completely and didn't let it bother him. He loved the game of baseball and he wanted to prove that he could play just like anyone else no matter what color they are. To this day in the MLB, there are all sorts of different races. From African American to Hispanic to Japanese. If you have what it takes, then you should be allowed to play in the MLB.

I give this film 4 out of 5 stars.

Total Recall Review (2012)

In the action-packed remake of the Total Recall film in 1990 with Arnold Schwarzenegger, this is loaded with action packed scenes and shootouts. Colin Farrell (S.W.A.T.) plays Douglas Quaid, a factory worker who finds himself in danger when he visits Rekall, which makes you wish you had a different life.

Something goes wrong at Rekall and now Doug thinks he is a spy named Carl Hauser. He gets very confused at times because he doesn't know when he is doing what. After he is done either fighting or whatever he does, he has a look of confusion on his face as to, "What did I just do?". His wife, Lori Quaid, played by Kate Beckinsale (Underworld), is a different spy who wants to kill Doug/Carl.

Doug/Carl finds help when he is on the run from Lori. Melina played by Jessica Biel (The Illusionist) helps Doug/Carl escape from Lori and they soon find themselves in danger when they are attacked towards the end of the film.

This film also stars Bryan Cranston (Breaking Bad). I give this film 3 out of 5 stars.

Godzilla Review (2014)

Godzilla!! Everyone knows the most famous monster in film history. There's been multiple films of Godzilla. Usually they are from Japan because that's where this first started. The last American Godzilla movie was from 1998 starring Matthew Broderick. This time, Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Bryan Cranston, and Elizabeth Olsen star in this new version of Godzilla from director Gareth Edwards.

In 1999 when Godzilla awakens again from the ocean, he has caused a massive mess at the power plant where Ford's (Johnson) parents, Joe (Cranston) and Sandra (Juliette Binoche) work. Ford sees the plant go down while in school and thinks his parents are dead. Time skips forward to present day and now we see that Ford is in the army as a part of the bomb disposal team. Godzilla is headed to San Francisco where Ford's wife and kid are. But Ford is stuck in Hawaii when he tries to get home, but has several obstacles to conquer.

Godzilla was really intense and the acting was alright. The special effects were amazing. I give Godzilla 4 out of 5 stars.

Blended Review (2014)

Adam Sandler and Drew Barrymore, who were both in the films: The Wedding Singer (1998) and 50 First Dates (2004) star in their new film, Blended. Jim (Sandler) has 3 daughters and no wife where as, Lauren (Barrymore) has 2 sons and is separated. Jim and Lauren don't know it, but they will soon have a wild adventure in Africa when Jim's boss gives him tickets for his family and when Lauren's friend, Jenn (Wendi McLendon-Covey) gives her her tickets to Africa because she's dating Jim's boss, they both meet at a family resort in Africa for blended families. Jim and Lauren's first blind date was bad, but they kept meeting on rare occasions. Now they are stuck together at the same place whether they like it or not. Terry Crews and Joel McHale also star in this family-fun comedy. I give it 3 out of 5 stars.

The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Review (2014)

Spider-Man is back in the second installment of the new Amazing Spider-man films starring Andrew Garfield as Peter Parker/Spider-man and Emma Stone as Gwen Stacy. This time, Peter Parker is ready to know what happened to his parents, but his Aunt May, who is played by Sally Field. When Peter is under surveillance by Oscorp, he has to deal with the every day fact of what happened to his parents and does it have something to do with Oscorp. Harry Osborn (Dane DeHaan) comes to realization after his father, Norman dies of a family curse that his son, Harry, has yet to realize. Meanwhile, at the Oscorp facility, a man named Max Dillon (Jamie Foxx) is forced to fix an electrical error in the building, when he does that, he gets electrocuted and falls into a pool of energetic piranhas. This makes him become, Electro. Paul Giamatti and Chris Cooper also star in The Amazing Spider-man 2. I give this film 4 out of 5 stars. I liked this one better than the first film.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Draft Day Review (2014)

Kevin Costner has been on a comeback to the big screen. With movies such as Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit and 3 Days to Kill. This time, Costner plays Sonny Weaver, the general manager for the Cleveland Browns football team. The NFL Draft is the day where college athletes have the chance to make it in the NFL and get signed by a professional team. For Sonny, he has the hard job. He has to make calls to different NFL teams and try to make trades with them for the number one, two, and three picks. I liked this movie, it seemed pretty accurate to what the NFL actually does. Jennifer Garner, Denis Leary, and Frank Langella also star in this film. I give it 3 out of 5 stars.

Captain America: The Winter Soldier Review (2014)

The Captain is back in action in the second film of Captain America. This time, Steve Rogers/Captain America (Chris Evans) has to get comfortable with the world he is now living in. Present Day America. When Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson) is targeted by his own company, SHIELD, Captain America (Evans) must protect and save him from dying. When the so-called "Winter Soldier" who is played by Sebastian Stan, attacks Nick Fury, that's the start of Captain America finding him and killing him. Robert Redford and Scarlett Johansson also appear in this film. I give this film 4 out of 5 stars. Marvel still makes me happy to this day. Don't let me down!

Noah Review (2014)

Noah is an intense ride as it journeys through the story of Noah in an epic adventure. This movie has portrayed Noah in a completley different way. Russell Crowe (Gladiator) is Noah. Before this film came out, I wanted to see it because I like stories like these. I like to see how Hollywood portrays people. After I came out of seeing, Noah, I was blown away. The acting was good and it was very intense and emotional. Russell Crowe really brings Noah to life. Jennifer Connelly, Emma Watson and Anthony Hopkins also star in this film. I give this movie 4 out of 5 stars.

Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit (2014) Review

Chris Pine (Star Trek) stars as Jack Ryan, in this action packed thriller. Jack Ryan has been played by Alec Baldwin (The Hunt for Red October), Ben Affleck (The Sum of all Fears), Harrison Ford (Patriot Games, Clear and Present Danger), and now Chris Pine. Ryan (Pine) is a CIA analyst who walks right into a major Russian attack who is going to crash the U.S. economy. Kevin Costner who is in the CIA, wants Ryan (Pine) to work for him, but what he didn't know, was how much trouble they were going to be in. Keira Knightley and Kenneth Branagh also star in Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit. I give this movie 3 out of 5 stars. It could have been better.

Non-Stop Review (2014)

Liam Neeson, (Taken) is an Air Marshall in this intense thriller about a plane hijacking because of ransom. Bill Marks (Neeson) has to try and stop his palne from exploding when he is framed by someone who is inside of the plane. It starts off with text messaging and towards the end of the movie, the unexpected happnes. I would have never seen this coming. It had a very good twist, and usually twists in movies, you can see coming. But this would fooled me.
Julianne Moore (Carrie) also stars in this action/thriller. I give this movie 3 out of 5 stars.