
Thursday, June 19, 2014

22 Jump Street Review (2014)

Schmidt and Jenko are back in 22 Jump Street. That's right. Tatum and Hill have done it again. 22 Jump Street is one of the funniest movies of the year and definitely worth seeing. I have already seen it twice and it keeps getting better.

Channing Tatum (White House Down, 21 Jump Street) is back as Jenko, the dumb one. Jenko is a lot dumber in this movie compared to the first one. It is way funnier. Jonah Hill (This is the End, 21 Jump Street) is back as Schmidt, the smart chubby one. This time, he is more aggressive as to in the first one.

I loved this movie so much. I was crying when I first saw it, that's how funny it is. Believe me. Ice Cube is back as Captain Dickson and he gets more screen time. He is very funny and more of a bad ass.

Instead of going back to high school, this time, it's MC State college. There is a new drug and it's up to Schmidt (Hill) and Jenko (Tatum) to once again stop it from going viral. But will Schmidt and Jenko's relationship be ruined? I don't know, well I do, but I'm not going to say anything. 

You will be in for one of the funniest movies of the year and one of the best sequels to a film in a long time. It's way way better than the first one back in 2012. 

This cast works great together and I hope they keep making Jump Street movies, stay for the credits. 

I would rate this movie 4 out of 5 stars. What a way to kick off the Summer. 

Edge of Tomorrow Review (2014)

Tom Cruise and Emily Blunt star in this sci-fy action adventure about an officer in the army, Cage (Cruise) who keeps dying over and over again until he stops a major alien attack around the world.

Tom Cruise has done plenty of classic movies including: A Few Good Men (1992), Top Gun (1986), Jerry Maguire (1996), Mission Impossible (1996), and Vanilla Sky (2001). Tom Cruise is a good actor and takes on any role in any movie, even if it means his character dies over and over and over again. This was definitely a different movie for Cruise, but he managed to pull it off. He was very believable.

Emily Blunt, on the other hand, has come a long ways since, The Devil Wears Prada back in 2006. That's what made her popular and land other movie roles including: The Wolfman (2010), The Adjustment Bureau (2011), Salmon Fishing in the Yemen (2011), The Five-Year Engagement (2012), and Looper (2012). Emily Blunt has definitely proved herself as being a good actress in the movie industry and she has worked with a variety of talented actors, Tom Cruise, Matt Damon, Ewan McGregor, Benicio Del Toro.

Edge of Tomorrow was a different movie, the idea has been done before where someone dies and keeps dying until they get the job done right, but this was different with it's own creativity. It was fresh and exciting. Bill Paxton and Brendan Gleeson also star in Edge of Tomorrow. I would rate this movie 3 out of 5. Go see it. It's worth it.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Neighbors 2014 Review

Seth Rogen (This is the End) and Zac Efron (17 Again) are neighbors in this hilarious comedy about a frat house moving into a suburban area causing trouble and miss behaving.

When Mac (Rogen) and Kelly Radner (Rose Byrne) get new neighbors, a frat house, they try to be nice and introduce themselves to them. Teddy (Efron) is the president of the fraternity. Mac and Kelly have a baby and are trying to raise it, but when a disturbing frat house, who is making too much noise, gets out of hand, Mac and Kelly must sabotage their house in order to stop the madness.

Dave Franco (Warm Bodies) also stars in "Neighbors".

This is a hilarious film.

I would rate this film 3 out of 5 stars.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Lawless Review (2012)

Shia LaBeouf (Transformers), Tom Hardy (The Dark Knight Rises), Jason Clarke (Death Race), are all Bondurant brothers in the film, Lawless.

This story takes place in 1931 in Franklyn County, Virginia. Forrest (Hardy) is the oldest of the three brothers and is considered immortal because he survived the war. For Jack (LaBeouf) and Howard (Clarke), they have no clue on what is about to go down in their town. A guy named, Charlie Rakes (Guy Pearce), is coming and the brothers and the town soon find themselves up against a ruthless man.

For the corrupt District Attorney, Mason Wardell, he brings Rakes to Franklyn for the money because the three brothers have their own company of selling alcohol.

This movie is alright. It has action and it is intense when it happens. Jessica Chastain (The Help), and Mia Wasikowska (Alice in Wonderland) also star in this film I give it 3 out of 5 stars.

John Carter Review (2012)

John Carter is a wild ride into an epic sci-fi adventure. Talyor Kitsch (Friday Night Lights) plays John Carter, a Civil War vet who gets transplanted to Mars and finds himself up against large barbarians who are weird looking creatures standing 12 feet tall. What he doesn't know is that the creatures are holding a princess hostage. Carter (Kitsch) must escape his cell, or whatever he is in, in order to save the princess. Willem Dafoe (Spider-man), Thomas Hayden Church (Spider-man 3), Mark Strong (Sherlock Holmes), and Bryan Cranston (Breaking Bad) also star in this film. I give it 2 out of 5 stars.

21 Jump Street Review (2012)

Channing Tatum (The Vow) and Jonah Hill (Moneyball) are hilarious as partners in 21 Jump Street.

Jenko (Tatum) was popular in high school and cool, where as Schmidt (Hill) was geeky and uncool. After some years, they both find themselves trying out to be a police officer. They graduate from the police academy and find themselves at 21 Jump Street which is a church. Captain Dickson, played by Ice Cube (Friday), wants Jenko and Schmidt to go back to high school and be undercover to find a drug that has been selling at the school. Eric, played by Dave Franco, is the head honcho of selling the drug at the school. Jenko and Schmdit find that out and say they want the drug.

Jenko and Schmidt get into a lot of trouble as the take the drug and do thing's they would have never done. This film is hilarious and has some action. I give it 3 out of 5 stars.

This Means War Review (2012)

Chris Pine (Star Trek) and Tom Hardy (Warrior) are both CIA operatives who have yet to realize they are dating the same girl, Lauren, played by Reese Witherspoon (Walk The Line).

FDR (Pine) is very good at what he does in the CIA and so is Tuck (Hardy). When they both have news that they have found a girl online, they go to show each other a picture of her. When they both turn their screens, they see that it is the same girl, Lauren Scott.

Now, it is a game because they both like her and when one of them is on a date, the other has to mess it up. This is a very funny movie and has action. It's enjoyable for action fans and comedy fans. I give it 3 out of 5 stars.