
Sunday, February 10, 2013

Trouble with the Curve Review

Clint Eastwood (Gran Torino) plays Gus Loebl, a baseball scout for the Atlanta Braves. The general manager of the Atlanta Braves wants Gus to retire because he is getting to old for his job, but Gus wants just one chance to prove him wrong. Mickey (Amy Adams), Gus's daughter, knows that her dad is getting old and is loosing his eye vision. So Mickey comes with her dad on one last trip to recruit one of the top players, Bo Gentry. Gus sees that Bo has trouble with the curve ball so he doesn't want them to pick him as their next draft because he can't hit a curve ball, but Mickey finds this guy who lives at the motel that they are staying at and she watches him pitch to his brother. She sees that he is very good and has an amazing curve ball. So, Mickey brings him to the Atlanta Braves stadium to show the general manager, the head of scouting, and another scout that Bo can't hit a curve ball. The general manager sees that Bo can't hit a curve ball and that the pitcher is really good. So their next draft is the pitcher. Justin Timberlake, John Goodman, Robert Patrick, and Matthew Lillard also star in this film. I would give this film 4 out of 5 stars. Clint Eastwood does it again.

Identity Thief Review

Jason Bateman (Horrible Bosses) and Melissa McCarthy (Bridesmaids) star in this hilarious comedy about an identity thief who steals the identity of Sandy Patterson (Bateman) who is a businessman. Patterson receives a call from this lady who claims to be a person working for a company that wants his SS number, birth date, and name. Patterson then realizes that he just gave all of his information to Diana who is an identity thief. Patterson must bring Diana (McCarthy) all the way from Florida to Denver. This movie was pretty funny, but it had some serious moments. I would give this movie 3 out of 5 stars. It's the funniest movie of 2013 so far.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Hansel and Gretel Witch Hunters 2013 Review

Jeremy Renner (Bourne Legacy) and Gemma Arterton (Clash of the Titans) star in this revamped version of the Grimm tale, Hansel and Gretel. One night, their father takes them out into the woods because the father and mother were fighting. So Hansel and Gretel discover this house, which was made out of candy, and started walking towards it. They began eating the candy off of the house, but the evil witch that was there caught Hansel and Gretel and wanted to bake them. Now, in the real version, they die. But this time, they somehow managed to escape and burn the witch. Now, as they are adults, they are known as witch hunters. The mayor of the town they live in pays them to defend the town and the people in it. But when they find out that the evil witch, played by Famke Jensen ( Taken) is not dead. Now, they must gear up for the fight of their lives. I would give this movie 2 out of 5 stars. Do not let little kids see this movie. Its rated R.

Flight Review

Flight Soars. That's what the critics say. Denzel Washington gives one of his best performances in this film. Whip Whitaker (Washington) is an airplane pilot who must land the plane because of it malfunctioning. But people believe that he was drinking before flying and that he was drunk when he landed that plane. Whitaker says that he was the only person that could've landed the plane like he did. But investigations begin to occur and Whitaker must tell the truth about what happened the night before he landed the plane. His lawyer, Hugh Lang, (Don Cheadle) must try to defend him in the trial that occurs because of these speculations. Flight is a very good movie.  Denzel Washington was the perfect person to play Whitaker. John Goodman, Bruce Greenwood, and Kelly Reilly also are fasted in Flight. I would give this movie 4 out of 5 stars.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

The Last Stand Review

I'm Back. As Arnold Schwarzenegger would say in the Terminator. Ray Owens (Schwarzenegger) is the sheriff of the little town known as Sommerton by the Mexican Border. Leaders of a drug cartel escape and try to pass the Mexican Border to come to the U.S. As the main drug cartel drives an extremely fast car to get to the border, the FBI tries to track him down to stop him. Ray hears about this and wants to put together a crew to stop him from coming into Sommerton. Johnny Knoxville also stars in this film as well as Forest Whitaker. I would give this movie 3 out of 5 stars. It's funny and it's action-packed.

Gangster Squad Review

Gangster Squad nails it. Top of the line performances by everyone especially Sean Penn who plays the ruthless mob boss Mickey Cohen. In this film, Mick Cohen is the head of the mob in Los Angeles in 1949. Josh Brolin is a sergeant who wants to take down Cohen for his actions and crimes. John O'Mara (Brolin) puts a secret crew of cops in Los Angeles together to help him take down Mickey Cohen. This film also features: Ryan Gossling, Emma Stone, Anthony Mackie, Giovani Ribbisi, Michael Pena, Robert Patrick, and Nick Nolte. I would give this movie 4 out of 5 stars. Its a modern day classic.

The Amazing Spider-man (2012) Review

The Amazing Spider-man is the first of a series of new Spider-man films. The characters are still the same, but there is a different story. It's way different then the previous films that Sam Raimi directed. This time, Peter Parker, who is played by Andrew Garfield (Social Network), falls in love with Gwen Stacy, who is played by Emma Stone (Easy A, the Help). Gwen Stacy is the chief of police's daughter. Dennis Leary (Rescue Me) plays that character. When Peter (Garfield) sneaks into Oscorp's lab by taking someone else's internship card, he discovers this room where these spiders are being held. He touches one of the box that one of the spiders is in and the system activates all these spiders to fall from the ceiling. Peter didn't know that one of the spiders was still on him. It bites him on the back of his neck and it escapes. This causes him to become Spider-man. Doctor Connors, who is played by Rhys Ifans (Anonymous), only has one arm. He wants to grow it back so he does experiments on lizards and Peter helps him find the right equation. But something happens and Connors becomes a giant lizard. Spider-man must stop the lizard from releasing this virus that will turn everyone in New York City into a lizard. This was a good Spider-man film. It was action-packed and had a really good story behind it. I would give this movie 4 out of 5 stars.

Skyfall Review

The names Bond. James Bond. Daniel Craig (Quantum of Solace) is back and better than ever. He takes Bond to a whole new level. When the MI6 headquarters gets attacked by Silva, who is played by Javier Bardem (No Country for Old Men), James Bond must return from the dead after he was shot in the beginning of the film. But when M's (Judie Dench) life is in danger, Bond must do whatever it takes to stop Silva (Bardem) from doing any harm to her. Silva just wants revenge, but Bond wants him dead. This is the best Bond film yet. They keep getting better and better. Hopefully the next film is just as good or even better. I would give this movie 5 out of 5 stars. It deserves it.

The Dark Knight Rises Review

The Dark Knight returns! Christian Bale (The Dark Knight) continues his role as Bruce Wayne/Batman. This time, things get a little carried away. When the last sighting of Batman occurred 8 years ago in Gotham City, people thought that Batman killed Harvey Dent. The commissioner (Gray Oldman) was there that night and he knows the truth. Now, 8 years later, the city remembers that night in honor of Harvey Dent Day. The commissioner speaks, but does not tell the truth about what happened that night. So, while all of this was happening in the 8 years, a new mastermind criminal, Bane (Tom Hardy) was ruling the streets. Bane is controlling and demanding and he will do whatever is necessary to achieve his goal. He is a ruthless killer. Batman (Bale) must return as Batman to stop Bane, but when he is told by the Catwoman (Anne Hathaway) that she knows where Bane is, they both go to him, but it was a trap. Bane destroys Batman, not killing him, but he puts him in the cave that no one has ever climbed out of except for Ra's Al Ghul's daughter who was trapt down there when she was a child. Bruce starts to gain his momentum back so he can climb out of the cave. He tries a couple of times, but fails. The third time works because he was angry and he needed to escape the cave in order to stop Bane. The Dark Knight Rises is the best Batman film yet. Morgan Freeman, Michael Caine, and Gary Oldman reprise their roles. Also, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Anne Hathaway, and Marion Cotillard join the crew. I would give this movie 4 out of 5 stars.

Ted (2012) Review

Seth MacFarlane, the creator of Family Guy and American Dad, brings his comedic ideas to the big screen for the first time ever. Ted is the story about a young boy who receives a teddy bear for Christmas and later on that night wishes that he was real. So the next day, the bear comes to life, sure it scared John, the young boy, but he was happy because now he has a friend that he can talk to about anything. So, many years later, John (Mark Wahlberg) and Ted (Seth MacFarlane) are still living together. Lori (Mila Kunis) who is John's girlfriend comes under the impression that John isn't doing anything with his life because he is spending all of his time with Ted. She suggests that Ted moves out and he does, but it's hard for both John and Ted. Ted is raunchy, but the movie is hilarious. I mean, who doesn't love a talking bear that is like this one. Anyone would love to have him. I would give this movie 3 out of 5 stars. It's not the best movie, but it sure is the funniest movie that i have ever seen.

Hotel Transylvania Review

Hotel Transylvania is funny for all ages. I thought it was hilarious and I am only 17 years old. Adam Sandler,  who is the voice of Dracula, wanted to make a place for his daughter to keep her safe from the humans. So he built "Hotel Transylvania" where all creatures can come and visit. Including: Frankenstein, werewolves, witches, zombies, and even an invisible man. All is well until a human discovers the hotel. Andy Samberg also voices as Jonathon, who is human. Jonathon (Samberg) was taking a hike one day, but overheard people talking about this place. So Jonathon found the hotel and went in. Dracula (Sandler) was angry that a human had discovered his place because he built it to keep them out. He means no harm to anyone there, but when he sees the most beautiful girl he has ever seen, Dracula's daughter Mavis, voiced by Selena Gomez, he is determined to talk to her. Dracula doesn't like the idea of a human interacting with his daughter, but later on, they like each other. So Dracula has to deal with it in order to keep his daughter happy. Other voices in this film include: Kevin James, David Spade, Cee-Lo Green, Steve Buscemi, Fran Drescher, Molly Shanon, and Jon Lovitz. I would give this movie 4 out of 5 stars.

Looper (2012) Review

Joseph Gordon-Levitt (Inception, Premium Rush) and Bruce Willis (Die Hard) star in this action-packed thriller that is set in the distant future. Joseph Gordon-Levitt's character is Joe. He is a looper. When the crime mob that runs this operation wants to get rid of somebody, they send them to Joe (Levitt) who has to shoot them. The people that get sent to Joe, have silver strapped onto their backs, so when Joe shoots the person, he takes the silver. That is how he gets paid. But when the mob wants to get rid of future Joe (Willis) they send him back in time to his younger self (Levitt) to kill him. When Joe's future self arrives in front of him, he is hesitated causing his future self to get away. This movie is confusing, but it keeps your mind active. If you like confusing movies and action movies, then this one certainly combines them both. I would give this movie 3 out of 5 stars.