
Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Looper (2012) Review

Joseph Gordon-Levitt (Inception, Premium Rush) and Bruce Willis (Die Hard) star in this action-packed thriller that is set in the distant future. Joseph Gordon-Levitt's character is Joe. He is a looper. When the crime mob that runs this operation wants to get rid of somebody, they send them to Joe (Levitt) who has to shoot them. The people that get sent to Joe, have silver strapped onto their backs, so when Joe shoots the person, he takes the silver. That is how he gets paid. But when the mob wants to get rid of future Joe (Willis) they send him back in time to his younger self (Levitt) to kill him. When Joe's future self arrives in front of him, he is hesitated causing his future self to get away. This movie is confusing, but it keeps your mind active. If you like confusing movies and action movies, then this one certainly combines them both. I would give this movie 3 out of 5 stars.

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